Russia has warned trump «the consequences of the» decision on Iran

The output of the United States from Iranian nuclear agreement will lead to «dangerous consequences», said the speaker of the Kremlin , Dmitry Peskov.

Of its decision on the Iranian issue, Donald trump plans to announce today, may 8, at 14.00 et.

The agreement between Iran, USA, Germany, France, Britain, China and Russia, signed in 2015, provides assistance to Iran in exchange for curtailing nuclear program. The US President has repeatedly spoken out against this agreement, arguing that it is too «soft».

If trump does not renew the U.S. participation in the agreement, to restore U.S. sanctions against Iran, and this will be followed by a ban on us investment and financial transactions with Iranian businesses.

Many foreign leaders and U.S. lawmakers (both Democrats and Republicans) are urging the President not to withdraw from the agreement. In their opinion, otherwise, Iran will begin large-scale development of nuclear weapons.
