Mike Bloomberg plans to run for President from the Democrats

According to the Times of London, former new York mayor Mike Bloomberg is going to participate in the presidential race of 2020 — as a member of the democratic party. Billionaire and owner of news company Bloomberg were planning to run before — in 2008, 2012 and 2016, however, as an independent candidate.

This information publication was provided by an anonymous source, which Bloomberg allegedly personally informed about his plans.

Earlier this year, in his interview to MSNBC, on the question of whether he plans to participate in the elections, mellander said, “I Think I could, but while I have no plans [to run]”.

However, on June 6, ex-mayor of the Big Apple hinted at the participation in presidential elections during his speech at a fundraiser the YMCA. According to the NYPost, he said that “thinking again to bring together the old team.” Although many felt that in mind there were elections 2020, so far Bloomberg has not confirmed his intentions officially.
