Trump has again criticized the American media for «false information»

The appointment of Brett Cavanaugh to the position of member of the Supreme court of the United States is extremely troubled and is actually on the verge of collapse. Donald trump by all means support your candidate, considering that the allegations of rape against Cavanaugh 5 women, not a hindrance to his work at such a responsible post. When CBS News reported on the pressure on the FBI with the Administration of the President, the American leader again lashed out at the reporters with criticism.

Trump said that news online spread false information that the White house allegedly banned the law enforcement agencies to investigate the claims of several women, telling to deal with claims only 2 victims and giving the FBI a list of witnesses whom you can call for questioning.

Trump has again criticized the American media for «false information»
Trump said that the media spread false information that the White house allegedly banned the law enforcement agencies to investigate the claims of several women against Cavanaugh. Photo: Depositphotos

As expected, Donald trump responded to the charges negatively, writing on Twitter, CBS News, as usual, gave the lie for the truth. The President said: there are no restrictions his team had voiced, and he will fully contribute to the investigation and give the feds free rein.

The scandal erupted after Donald trump has nominated Brett kavanaugh to the Supreme court. Before the vote in the Senate Committee Cavanaugh was charged with serious allegations of sexual harassment. One of the victims was a respected psychology Professor from California Christine Blazey Ford. This is the woman that testified before the Legal Committee of the U.S. Senate.

In the end, in the primary election Brett Cavanaugh was approved for the position. However, the final stage of the election was postponed for a week. During this time the FBI is supposed to investigate and understand the charges brought against Cavanaugh.


Donald trump has ordered that the FBI conducted an investigation concerning Brett Cavanaugh

The legal Committee of the U.S. Senate has approved the nomination of Brett kavanaugh to the position of member of the Supreme court. However, one of the members of Uramerica demanded to investigate Cavanaugh filed charges of rape. The US President gave the corresponding order to the FBI.


Tears and water: Cavanaugh testified to the Senate Committee regarding the allegations of rape

Brett Cavanaugh, a candidate for the position of member of the Supreme court of the United States, spoke to the Senate Committee. He denied any involvement in sexual violence against women.
