Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez likened the trump wall on the border with the Berlin wall

A member of the house of representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez likened the boundary wall of the President of trump with the Berlin wall, symbol of Communist oppression during the cold war, which divided Germany for nearly three decades.

«Regardless of how you feel about the wall, I think it’s an immoral phenomenon, — said the youngest Congresswoman in history during this live broadcast. — I think it’s like the Berlin wall. I think it’s like any other wall, designed to separate people and block people fleeing humanitarian disasters. I just think it’s wrong.»

Immediately after President Donald trump has declared a state of emergency to Finance the construction of the wall on the border of USA and Mexico, Ocasio-Cortez spoke out against this decision. Congresswoman announced that it will introduce a bill to block the introduction of state of emergency in the country.

«70% of Americans believe that this is the most stupid idea in the history — said Ocasio-Cortez. And not my problem that the majority of the American public believes that this is a Scam, a fraud, a monument to white supremacy. It’s not my fault».

While trump wants to build a steel barrier to prevent migrants from illegally crossing the border, the Berlin wall was designed to keep people inside East Germany, preventing mass escapes in a free Western part. Many Twitter users pointed out the policy on this issue.

The Berlin wall, erected for physical and ideological separation of East and West Germany was built in 1961 in Berlin and became a symbol of the «iron curtain» that existed between Western Europe and the Eastern bloc during the cold war. It was destroyed in 1989.
