Admiral Johnstone: NATO does not consider Russia as a real military threat

The commander of the NATO naval Vice-Admiral Clive Johnstone, who visited on a visit Georgia, told journalists about his attitude to the so-called Russian threat and the likelihood of a new Cold war. According to the Admiral, neither of which the cold war there is no question, much more difficult.

Admiral Johnstone: NATO does not consider Russia as a real military threatVice-Admiral Clive Johnstone

It would be extremely dangerous, said the captain, if the case went to the state of the global confrontation between the two equal centers of power, but now there is this: «I think that we now live in a period of competition and the competition of States for territory, resources and power. And very importantly, what is happening now is a discussion of what values we want to adhere to. We in the West and in NATO firmly believe that the values of NATO are the values which we want to adhere to».

On the question of STV on the probability of a collision with Russia, Johnston said that she hopes that I won’t have to fight with the Russian: «I am confident that we will not fight with the Russian. Throughout this period a number of negative events will force us to fight Russia. We see the different things that they do and that for us is extremely sensitive. In my country, in the UK, have carried out the attack on our land – attack in Salisbury when using a chemical agent people were killed. For us is unacceptable.»

Yet, assessing the real threat from Moscow, the Admiral questioned the actual military power of Russia: «President Putin is using the press as a weapon. The statements that attract the attention of people, he has done very well. I think he does just that. Do we feel a greater threat? No. Do we like the presence of Russian missile systems and their placement? No. Of course not. Therefore, NATO countries have taken various steps».

Admiral Johnstone: NATO does not consider Russia as a real military threatClive Johnston: NATO sees no real military threat to Russia

In recent years, the growing numerical presence of NATO warships in the Black sea. Admiral Johnston believes that this is necessary given the situation in Ukraine and Georgia: «We are extremely interested in maintaining stability in the region. We will never fight for the Black sea, even if we wanted. But we want to keep track of everything that happens in this region by the constant presence. Our forces are constantly in the region. They will come to Georgia and take part in joint exercises with the coast guard. And at the same time we’re doing a much more clear message, both at the level of States and at the level of the Alliance.»
