Kamala Harris will raise teachers ‘ salaries and real estate taxes if they win the election in 2020

The presidential candidate of the Democrats, Senator from California Kamala Harris announced a plan to increase teachers ‘ pay by an average of $13 500$. Earlier, at a rally in Houston she said if elected President will make the largest Federal investment in salary funds for teachers.

Kamala Harris will raise teachers ‘ salaries and real estate taxes if they win the election in 2020Kamala Harris will raise teachers ‘ salaries and real estate taxes if they win the election in 2020shutterstock

«Our children are brought up by two groups of people: families and teachers. However, we do not pay teachers for their worth. As President, I will make the largest Federal investment in the salaries of teachers in US history, and give the average teacher an increase in the amount of 13 500 dollars», — explained his approach Harris in the Washington Post.

Kamala Harris became the first candidate in the elections of 2020, who paid such attention to the needs of educators. Perhaps this will allow it to expand its support at the expense of the voters, close to schools, especially in light of teachers ‘ strikes taking place across the country in the last two years.

Teachers work incredibly hard to build the foundation of our country, one student at a time. That’s why I’ve released a plan to give teachers a raise. pic.twitter.com/rFsqD9cKP4

— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) March 26, 2019

Plan Harris, if held, will cost US $ 315 billion over ten years. The money is available to borrow by raising property taxes and tax breaks for the wealthy. Collectively, this plan, according to AXIOS looks like this:

  • According to the plan, wage increases of $ 13 500 is equivalent to increasing the basic wage by 23% for the average teacher.
  • States and school districts «will be required to use the funds to increase the wages of teachers, not to replace existing funding of education.»
  • The plan calls for an «immediate Federal investment in each state» to «provide the first 10 percent of the funding needed to bridge the gap in the remuneration of teachers.»
  • Schools that mainly serve students of different racial and ethnic groups, will receive additional funds to increase teachers ‘ pay.

Harris is not the first candidate for the 2020 elections, offering to solve acute social problems by increasing taxes on real estate, including first, the rich owners. Senators Bernie Sanders and Cory Booker and Elizabeth Warren voiced a similar proposal, calling it a way of dealing with social inequality. Republicans, in turn, referred to the idea of lower property taxes or increase benefits on it «tax on death» and claim that this tactic is hurting small businesses and family farms.
