The Congress voted for an end to US involvement in the Yemeni conflict

Today, Thursday, 243/176 Congress by a majority of votes approved a bill to stop US support of the coalition under the leadership of Saudi Arabia, involved in the civil war in Yemen. This decision is another blow on foreign policy trump, who was promoting the idea of full support of the coalition. The democratic majority voted despite the White house announcement that the President would impose the veto document.

Democrats justify their position by don’t support the Saudi monarchy, especially after the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, and accused trump personal interest in the matter (given the relationship between the White house and the Saudis). Trump, in turn, claims that Saudi Arabia — tested, old reliable U.S. ally in confronting Iran, as well as an important economic partner for U.S. companies.

The Congressman-Democrat Ro Khanna from California, the author of the bill, said that his motivation is «very simple»: «I don’t want 14 million Yemenis died of hunger.»

«I hope that everyone who cares about the people of Yemen, understood that … actually, it will do them harm,» — said the Secretary of state Mike Pompeo in the debate in the foreign Affairs Committee of the Congress. Republican Congressman Michael mccaul of Texas called the bill «Pro-Iranian, prokhotsky resolution.»

The Congress voted for an end to US involvement in the Yemeni conflictThe Congress voted for an end to US involvement in the Yemeni conflict

In February, the Congress adopted a resolution on Yemen, but was unable to make it to the Senate because of the inclusion in the document of the Republican amendment condemning anti-Semitism (in connection with the statements Ilhan Omar) — which is considered «inappropriate» in this bill. Today, the Congress managed to approve the document without amendment.

When discussing the issue of US involvement in the coalition rarely remember about the Yemen, where the military and humanitarian crisis erupted after rebel tribes, hutti tried to overthrow the local government, beginning a protracted armed confrontation. Iran generally supports hutti, and the international coalition under the leadership of Saudi Arabia and with the participation of the USA the last 4 years supporting the government. Us troops in direct fighting is not involved, but provide technical assistance in large volumes.
