CNN doctor of psychiatry compared the tramp with Hitler, Stalin and Mao Zedong

CNN Professor of psychiatry compared a President Donald trump with the most brutal dictators of the world — Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong. Host of «Reliable sources» Brian Stelter apologized for not having paid attention to the statement of the expert.

Sunday, August 25, Stelter called «technical difficulties» among the reasons why he didn’t compare trump with dictators, murderers of the 20th century, and apologized to the audience.

«I agree, what was supposed to interrupt the connection. I would like to hear how he said it, but I was distracted by technical difficulties (that’s why the show didn’t seem so, as usual, I had two computers at the table, etc.). Didn’t catch the comment, it’s my fault,» he wrote on Twitter.

Several psychiatrists accused trump that he is a narcissist and a «successful sociopath,» among other negative mental health diagnoses.

«In this century, the tramp was as destructive a person like Hitler, Stalin and Mao in the last century, — said Francis on the air. — It can be responsible for millions of deaths even more than they do. It needs to be kept».

Several right-wing Twitter accounts and political analysts protested the statement of Dr. Francis, noting that Mao, Hitler and Stalin were responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of people.

Two residents of new York, who studied bomb-making to prepare for the attack, pleaded sinonimico women from Queens, accused the study of methods for the manufacture of bombs in the Internet during the preparation for a terrorist attack in the United States, pleaded guilty. Noel Velentzas. Source: theintercept …on August 24, 2019, 17:00

How didn’t you fact-check him right then and there, @brianstelter?

“Trump may have killed more people than Hitler and Mao.”

20-45 million people were killed under the Mao regime, Hitler was responsible for the deaths of more than 20 million people.

This segment is shameful.

— The Battalion Reagan (@ReaganBattalion) August 25, 2019

Earlier on Sunday, MS JBC AM Joy, a psychiatrist from Harvard, Dr. lance Dodes was diagnosed with Donald Trump — «the fundamental psychological problem», which causes him to seek male approval at the President of Russia Vladimir Putin.

«It should be love, it must rule over all. Once you understand this idea, the rest of his behavior and his speech makes sense, He is extremely lucky sociopath,» — said Dodes.
