Next week trump can appoint a new head of the FBI

Next week trump can appoint a new head of the FBI

On Tuesday, may 9, the U.S. President took an unexpected decision to dismiss the Director of the Federal Bureau of investigation James Komi. But today, 13 may, Donald trump announced that may announce as soon as next week.

Or rather, until Friday, because on this day the President will make his first foreign trip, which will last eight days and will begin in Saudi Arabia.

For the vacant position expect 11 people, among them including the names of the acting Director of the FBI’s Andrew McCabe, Senator-Republican John Kornin, judges of the court of appeals in new York, Michael Garcia and former assistant U.S. attorney Alice Fisher.

Today all four will be interviews with two of the most influential figures in the U.S. Department of justice: attorney General Jeff Sessom and his Deputy Come from Rozenshtaina.

The final verdict remains with a trump, but the elected candidate must receive the support of the Senate. The decision will be made pRostam majority, that is, a set such number of votes exceeds half of all cast vote.

Note that the majority of seats in the Senate belong to the Republican party.

The term of appointment of the FBI Director is ten years, but illustrative example from the Komi Republic, who served just over four years, we can see that there is a possibility to leave the post at any time, if so ordered by the President.
