13 cities where it is most advantageous to invest in a rental property

13 cities where it is most advantageous to invest in a rental property

Real estate, for rent, allows you, the investor, to determine your income.

Buying a home is not always makes a profit at the expected volume. During the period from 1890 to 2012, the economic profitability of the real estate adjusted for inflation was 0.17%. It was only a portion of the profits from 6,27% investment in the stock market over the same period.

13 cities where it is most advantageous to invest in a rental property

But there is a way to earn similar or even larger investment gains in real estate: owning property which you to rent out.

In this case, you pay not for owning, say, a house, and you pay for what you own. Mortgages are often covered by the rent, and if you correctly play your existing cards, you will remain in the black after payment of insurance, taxes and maintenance costs of the building.

In addition, of great importance in real estate is the placewhere you bought the building. HomeUnion, an online management company, real estate investment, recently published a list of the best rental markets for single-family homes, based on how they should work in 2017.

To list HomeUnion analyzed 30 rental markets to determine which ones have the most favorable conditions with the increase of the rent, difference between rent and profit, while turnover and number of appearing of new buildings.

Below are the 13 best places to buy property for subsequent leasing at the moment. Based on the average price of investment in housing, we also included the average contribution of a mortgage loan (based on 30-year fixed mortgage with a 20% down payment and 5% interest rate).

  • Baltimore
  • 13 cities where it is most advantageous to invest in a rental property

    Average house price: $145 000
    Mortgage payment: $ 623
    Average rent: $ 1,431
    Annual profit after operating expensesof 6.7%

  • Nashville
  • 13 cities where it is most advantageous to invest in a rental property

    Average house price: $166,300
    Mortgage payment: $714
    The average cost of rent: $1,437
    Annual profit after operating costs: 5.4%

  • Chicago
  • 13 cities where it is most advantageous to invest in a rental property

    Average house price: $235,000
    Mortgage payment: $1,009
    The average cost of rent: $1,798
    Annual profit after operating expenses: 5.2%

  • Minneapolis
  • 13 cities where it is most advantageous to invest in a rental property

    Average house price: $172,300
    Mortgage payment: $740
    Average rent: $1,513
    Annual profit after operating expenses: 5.8%

  • Atlanta
  • 13 cities where it is most advantageous to invest in a rental property

    Average home price: $131,000
    Mortgage payment: $563
    The average cost of rent: $1,243
    Annual profit after operating expenses: 6.4%

  • Seattle
  • 13 cities where it is most advantageous to invest in a rental property

    Average house price: $450,000
    Mortgage payment: $1,933
    Average rent: $2,218
    Annual profit after operating expenses: 3.3%

  • Detroit
  • 13 cities where it is most advantageous to invest in a rental property
    Average home price
    : $167,500
    Mortgage payment: $719
    The average cost of rent: $1,406
    Annual profit after operating expenses: 5.7%

  • Phoenix
  • 13 cities where it is most advantageous to invest in a rental property

    Average home price: $180,000
    Mortgage payment: $773
    The average cost of rent: $1,264
    Annual profit after operating expenses 4.7%

  • Boston
  • 13 cities where it is most advantageous to invest in a rental property

    Average house price: $333,800
    Mortgage payment: $1,434
    The average cost of rent: $2,337
    Annual profit after operating expenses: 4.7%

  • Buffalo
  • 13 cities where it is most advantageous to invest in a rental property

    Average home price: $105,000
    Mortgage payment: $451
    Average rent: $1,285
    Annual profit after operating expenses: 8.5%

  • New York
  • 13 cities where it is most advantageous to invest in a rental property

    Average house price: $431,100
    Mortgage payment: $1,851
    The average cost of rent: $2,148
    Annual profit after operating expenses: 3.9%

  • Miami
  • 13 cities where it is most advantageous to invest in a rental property

    Average home price: $209,900
    Mortgage payment: $901
    Average rent: $1,980
    Annual profit after operating expenses: 6.3%

  • Dallas
  • 13 cities where it is most advantageous to invest in a rental property

    Average house price: $199,300
    Mortgage payment: $856
    The average cost of rent: $1,630
    Annual profit after operating expenses: 5.6%
