In new York parents have filed a lawsuit against his son, who refused to move out

After fruitless persuasion, the parents of 30-year-old man has resorted to drastic measures – they filed a lawsuit on his son, so he finally moved out of them.

May 7 Mr. and Mrs. Rotondo filed a petition in Supreme court, Onondaga County (near Syracuse, NY) on their son, Michael Rotondo. According to the lawyer Anthony Haremheb, the parents of men are desperate in search of ways to affect his adult son.

February Michael’s parents sent him a notice in which he informed that he must immediately leave their home. The man completely ignored all official requests, designed with the help of a lawyer.

«There are jobs even for those who have little work experience as you have. Sitting somewhere- you have to work!», reads one of the appeals of parents.

The pair also offered his son $1100 to search for a new home. Michael admitted that he indeed took the money, but it wasn’t enough to live elsewhere.

Today (may 22) Michael appeared in the courtroom, where the judge in the case asked him to move out on his own without legal hassle.

Owl parents, the man is not paying rent, not helping them financially and is not involved in everyday family life.

The judge satisfied the appeal of the spouses Rotondo and decided that Michael needs to move out from their parents. In turn, Michael asked for more time to move (6 months), but the judge rejected the request.

According to Michael, the man intends to appeal the decision, which he considers «ridiculous.»

The 30-year-old Michael Rotondo is being evicted by his own parents.

— Formerly Brightly5 (@Brightly50) May 22, 2018
