New York recorded a high level of air pollution

New York recorded a high level of air pollution

If you say that the air in NYC is polluted, it will be to some extent a gross understatement. Despite legislation aimed at combating atmospheric pollution by exhaust and greenhouse gases, the health of residents in cities across the country are regularly at risk due to ground ozone (i.e. smog), and new York, unfortunately, is no exception.

The report, published by the research Environment America Research & Policy Center and Frontier Group, says that in the area, including new York city, long island and the Hudson Valley, in 2015, was recorded in 92 days «high pollution smog», which, however, seven days less than in Washington. Of course, the level of smog in new York is not comparable to southern California in 2015 over Los Angeles as much as 213 days hung a dense smog.

According to the report, the ozone at ground level causes a number of diseases ranging from cough to inflammation in the lungs, which is comparable to a sun burn, just inside the body, not on the skin.

So, if you are not too tempted by the idea of earning good old lung burn, think about how to walk, instead of once again to use the services of Uber.
