Cancer and mutations: cigarette smoke is more dangerous than we thought

Cancer and mutations: cigarette smoke is more dangerous than we thought

Today, may 31 marked world no tobacco day.

It would seem, about the dangers of Smoking is known as much anything new to say. But scientists refute this view.

Recent research at the National laboratory of Lawrence in Berkeley, California, proved that Smoking is dangerous even if you do not smoke and do not inhale the smoke from others. From cigarette smoke there are other ways to cause harm to your body.

For example, if you once stayed in a hotel where somebody smoked – the smoke remained in the curtains. In the carpet. The decoration of the ceiling.

Research scientists from National laboratory of Lawrence showed that newborn mice that lived in cages, where were the fabric treated with cigarette smoke for three weeks weighed significantly less than animals of the control group. In addition, as newborns and adult mice exposed to indirect effects of smoke, recorded the changes in the number of blood cells related to the immune system. This led to the inflammatory and allergic reactions.

The research team believes that the results of experiments with mice can apply to people.

«We suspected that children are most vulnerable because of their immature immune system, but we had no hard evidence to confirm this before,» said lead researcher Bo Hang, who previously found that cigarette smoke, even directly inhaled, can cause genetic mutations in human cells.

Scientists say exposure of mice continued for 14 weeks after treatment with smoke fabric. The threat to humans may persist for longer.

«When residual nicotine interacts with certain chemicals in the air, it forms cancer-causing carcinogens, which continue to evolve over time,» says the report of the Chicago Association of respiratory health (RHA).

In RHA warned: simple cleaning at home or in a hotel room will not help. If you, for example, bought a house, where you lived smokers (even if it was empty for several months), you may need to replace carpeting, wall panels and furniture to eliminate toxins and carcinogens.
