The American climate Alliance — a protest against the release of the Paris agreement

The American climate Alliance — a protest against the release of the Paris agreement

The wave of indignation by the decision of the President on the country’s withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement continues to grow. Individual cities, organizations and even educational institutions oppose this decision and intend to maintain participation in the climate agreement.

Three States — new York, California and Washington announced the creation of the American climate Alliance (United States Climate Alliance) is a coalition whose purpose is to support the Paris agreement and carry out its part of obligations under it.

«A rash decision to leave the White house climate agreement has devastating consequences not only for the United States, but also for our planet», — said the Governor of new York Andrew Cuomo, announcing the formation of the Alliance. «This administration abandons its leadership and steps back in the global fight against climate change».

Industrial enterprises in California, new York and Washington account for more than 1/5 of the U.S. GDP, what the first two States represent the fourth largest economy in the world. This means that the creation of the American climate Alliance is an open and powerful protest. The States will continue to fulfill obligations under the agreement, and also hope that soon they will be joined by others.

In States where there is no consensus regarding the Paris agreement on climate and who cannot join the Alliance as a whole, individual cities take the initiative into their own hands and demonstrate their commitment to global climate control. Today it is about 130 American cities.

The movement for the preservation of the membership agreement has been signed by the largest city of new Jersey — Newark.

Mayor of Newark RAS Baraka announced Friday that the city «welcomes, respects and supports the agreement on climate control.» The Democrat called the decision trump’s «crazy».

It is known that the city suffers from pollution from port waste and industrial enterprises.

«Donald trump should know that climate change is a dagger aimed straight at the heart of America’s cities,» said Barak. «Trump is not the one who decides whether he uses the Paris agreement or not. This is our city.»

Thank you @JerryBrownGov for forming the UNITED STATES CLIMATE ALLIANCE

— CedAub (@CedAub) June 2, 2017
