A resident of new York city gave birth in the Elevator: the baby was delivered by a police officer

A resident of new York city gave birth in the Elevator: the baby was delivered by a police officer

Of course, every pregnant woman tries to plan their births, whether in hospital or at home, but sometimes the situation becomes uncontrollable.

That’s what happened with a resident of Nassau County, state of new York.

A resident of new York city gave birth in the Elevator: the baby was delivered by a police officer

Last Friday she stood at the bus stop to go to the hospital when she saw a police officer Resnick.

He decided to take the woman to hospital, where he helped to sit in a wheelchair and took the pregnant woman to the maternity ward.

However, the baby had other plans about where to be born. I went into labor right there in the Elevator was so fast that the officer Reznik himself had to take the baby.

Fortunately, everything went without complications, and the officer with mom and newborn in her arms «profit» in the maternity ward of the hospital.

Doctors say mom and baby are both doing well, reports NBC New York.

Recall that an even more extreme case occurred recently in Mexico. There, a lady gave birth during the earthquake. The doctors were able to bring in labor from threatening to collapse the building and happily took birth on the street.
