Fact or fiction: spies on «virus» for users

Fact or fiction: spies on «virus» for users

In September, the Department of homeland security asked the Federal agencies and civil campaigns recommendation to abandon the use of the software «Kaspersky Lab».

Such a move argue the risk that «the Russian government, acting independently or in cooperation with Kaspersky, you can use the access provided, to jeopardize Federal information and information systems that directly affects the national security of the United States».

Fact or fiction: spies on «virus» for users

Several reputable us publications report that it is due to the fact that due to the «Virus» of Russian hackers gained access to classified information the national security Agency of the United States. According to The Wall Street Journal, one of the Agency staff violated security Protocol, and took work home. He downloaded the documents on your home computer, which set a Russian antivirus.

In the New York Times article dedicated to this topical subject, States that the relationship between the information leak and Kaspersky helped to establish the Israeli intelligence service. Several years ago, Israeli intelligence agencies hacked «Kaspersky Lab» and found that, in addition to protecting against viruses, while scanning the computer, the program is also looking for potential secret documents or those files which contained the code names of the secret programs. The findings were handed over to the American authorities, who immediately began an internal investigation of the incident.

Sources The Wall Street Journal believe that the modification of the software was carried out deliberately, «Kaspersky Lab» voluntarily helping the Russian intelligence service. However, neither direct evidence nor official statements about it were not provided.

The «Kaspersky Lab» denied any involvement in the political games and espionage activities, saying that never cooperated with the authorities of Russia or other States. In addition, management States that the company is ready to work with the U.S. side to resolve all misunderstandings and problems in the operation of the software.
