Every eighth resident of the United States – immigrant

Every eighth resident of the United States – immigrant

In 2016, the number of immigrants reached a record level of 43.7 million people. Despite the slowdown in General economic indicators increased number of immigrants from the Middle East, Latin America (except Mexico), Asia and Africa.

14 September 2017 , the census Bureau said about uneven growth in the number of immigrants last year. For example, the number of foreigners from Mexico, Europe and Canada are practically not increased, in contrast to countries in the Middle East, Latin America, Asia and Africa South of the Sahara.

Every eighth resident of the United States – immigrant

Note that the census Bureau considers not only people who legally crossed the border, and those who came illegally. In addition, the census included all foreigners who were not U.S. citizens at birth.

The Agency reported an interesting fact: in 2016, foreigners accounted for 13.5% of the entire U.S. population. This means that one in eight people in America is an immigrant. As it became known, the highest in 106 years. In 1980 only every 16th resident of the United States was a foreigner.

Most immigrants came from neighbouring Mexico: in the period from 2010 to 2016 from the country moved 1.1 million people that is equal to 1/8 of all new arrivals. The total number of Mexicans in the US has not grown. This is due to the deportation of illegal border-crossing individuals, return migration and natural mortality.

We will remind, the Department of homeland security will collect all the necessary data about immigrants in social networks.
