Fox News channel refused to broadcast advertisements for the impeachment of trump

Fox News channel refused to broadcast advertisements for the impeachment of trump

In late October, the famous investor and philanthropist Tom Steyer has launched a major campaign for the impeachment of the incumbent President. His project called Need To Impeach he is promoting in several ways, including using television advertising, which plans to invest $10 million.

October 27 ads Stayer began to broadcast the national TV channel Fox News, however, on 31 October, the campaign decided to stop due to the dissatisfaction of the audience.

Fox News channel refused to broadcast advertisements for the impeachment of trump

«Due to strong negative reaction from our viewers on advertising, we cannot in good conscience take money for it,» confirmed the decision with the President of the network in an interview with AdWeek.

4 days before the announcement and reacted to the trump in a tweet he called them «demented and insane» and said that Steier will never be able to repeat his success in the election.

Wacky & totally unhinged Tom Steyer, who has been fighting me and my Make America Great Again agenda from beginning, never wins elections!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 27, 2017

After the cancellation of the broadcast of the ad campaign, lawyers for the billionaire approached the administration Fox News with a letter chiding the media in the violation of journalistic ethics and the oppression of freedom of speech. Representatives of the advertiser suspect that the decision was taken under political pressure.

Meanwhile, Stayer argues that his petition for impeachment signed for 1.7 million Americans.

Fox News trying to silence the 1.7 million who have already signed our impeachment petition.

— Tom Steyer (@TomSteyer) November 6, 2017
