Security failed the 80% secret checks at U.S. airports

Security failed the 80% secret checks at U.S. airports

The Ministry of national security organized a series of secret inspections of control points of the security services of the airports. More than half of the cases, the procedures used and the equipment left much to be desired. According to one insider , the percentage of failed tests amounted to almost 80%.

In the course of the hearings, after a secret briefing to the house Committee on homeland security members of Congress expressed their concern regarding violations of the transport security Administration (TSA). Mike Rogers told the TSA administrator David Pekoske: «the Agency in which you work, too sick to work, you should pay attention to it».

Security failed the 80% secret checks at U.S. airports

«The inspectors have identified problems with the inspection procedure and equipment for inspection and related procedures,» the statement reads Department of homeland security. TSA was given eight recommendations for improving the security checkpoints.

We will remind, two years earlier, ABC News reported that TSA at 95% failed for the examination of the inspectors, provozyaschimi smuggling weapons and explosive materials. After such statements, the Agency opened a training Academy for security personnel. Despite the poor performance of the current test, still a marked improvement compared to previous testing.

The participants of today’s hearing insisted on the implementation of the program on the use of new scanning equipment, which will create a three-dimensional image of suitcases. At the moment the equipment is tested at checkpoints at least two airports. However, the broader innovation stopper problems with software and installation.

Bill Keating, a member of the house of Representatives, blames the wall on the border with Mexico: «we Have the technology and resources, but we do nothing because … we pay for the wall.»
