A homeless man returned to the owner found on the street a check for $10 thousand

A homeless man returned to the owner found on the street a check for $10 thousand

Left without money and a roof over your head, Elmer Alvarez has managed to maintain the integrity and disinterestedness. A homeless man found on the street a check for $10 thousand, and without hesitation returned it to the owner, despite an acute need for livelihood.

This amazing event occurred in new haven, Connecticut. November 8th at the Roberta Haski was a big day as the woman was so busy that did not notice how lost near his car a cheque for a large sum.

A homeless man returned to the owner found on the street a check for $10 thousand

About his disappearance, she learned from a phone call — a male voice on the other end of the line said that he had found a valuable paper and is ready to get her back.

Surprised Joski took their meeting on video and posted live Facebook. The woman decided that the act of Alvarez should not go unnoticed.

Later the man confessed that he has put himself in the place of lost cheque of man and clearly was upset.

Hoski does not get tired to admire the nobility of the homeless: «He didn’t even know whose it is check. He had no idea that I was a single mother, and at some period, too, was forced to live on the street.»

Now the women in my life came a bright stripe. She achieved success in real estate and education, therefore, has the opportunity to reward Alvarez for his honesty.

Hoski intends to help the man with housing and education, and the first thing I did was write him a check so he could provide themselves with the necessities.

«Helping others is the rent we pay to live on Earth,» — said the absent-minded benefactress. She believes getting to his feet, Alvarez is also in need of support.
