The Love for «Harry Potter» makes people better

The Love for «Harry Potter» makes people better

Scientists have proved that the magic of the «Harry Potter» is not only about spells and magic potions described on the pages of books.

Psychologists have found that young people who have warm feelings to the story about the «boy who lived», less likely to exhibit prejudice against various minorities, such as immigrants, LGBT people, refugees. The researchers worked with people of different ages and in each age group (students of Junior and secondary schools and students) they noticed a positive social influence books about young wizards, fighting evil.

The Love for «Harry Potter» makes people better

Thus, the love for Harry and his friends makes people better, that, in fact, it is not surprising, given how powerful message to the young generation weaves between the lines of what began as a simple bedtime story. JK Rowling pays huge amount of to show how strong love and important friendship. Books about magical Britain are taught that no matter how scary, you need to do the right thing, finding the light even in the darkest times. With the deepening of the adventures of young magicians the reader understands that the key to all doors is a kindness, and even the slightest manifestation of it can completely change the balance of power.

The Love for «Harry Potter» makes people better

The Death eaters and their leader, Lord Volan de mort, obsessed with blood purity and world domination, despite their power, wealth and influence, be defeated by those who understood that strength lies in unity. Here there is a clear allusion to Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan, which shows how dangerous radicalization in its various manifestations.

The Love for «Harry Potter» makes people better

Rowling writes that prejudice and discrimination is not justified by anything other than subjective views of some members of society. A striking example of this is one of the main characters of the book, Hermione Granger, maggiorana, or «Mudblood» as contemptuously call it «pure-blooded» wizards. But, despite the fact that Hermione’s parents were ordinary people, called her «the most gifted witch of her generation». The girl had an unprecedented aptitude for magic, uncommon intelligence and wit, which has saved heroes. Thus, Rowlin says that it is not in the blood, and in the person and the actions he performs.

The Love for «Harry Potter» makes people better
