NASA: when will the ice caps melt, new York will be under water

NASA: when will the ice caps melt, new York will be under water

The views of scientists from NASA are directed not only to the sky. Recently they said that if the glaciers were to melt, then new York, like some other large coastal cities will be buried under tons of water, like the mythical Atlantis. So-so the prospect will agree.

Using the simulator from the jet propulsion Laboratory, scientists have determined what the regions will be flooded after the destruction of the ice caps in the Arctic and Antarctic. According to the gloomy forecasts 293 port cities, among which London, new York and around the world will go under water within the next century.

NASA: when will the ice caps melt, new York will be under water

The greatest danger to new York city present ice sheets in the North-Eastern part of Greenland. Despite the impressive distance between the Big Apple and the world’s largest island, due to the rotation of the Earth, all the water from melting glaciers will flow not straight down, and in new York. A similar fate awaits London and Sydney.

Forewarned is forearmed

It is expected that the project can be used by experts in urban planning, which can help to prepare for sea level risethat sooner or later will lead to coastal flooding. The simulator should be useful for this purpose because it is able to show different scenarios when the given calculation conditions. In any case, humanity has 100 years to prepare, and climate change, which could mean that the warming will inevitably lead to a serious disaster.

Researchers have long been saying that the West Antarctic ice sheet collapses. The destruction of the ice sheet suggests that the ice is undermined from within. Cracks are usually formed at the periphery of the ice shelf where the ice is particularly thin. This trend eventually will lead to the fact that the sea level will rise by 3 metresthat would be quite a significant problem.

This week NASA also released a video that shows how the Earth has changed over the last two decades. The video shows how to reduce the number of glaciers in Northern Europe and Canada over the last 20 years, which proves that the problem of global warming is not an empty sound.
