6 little-known facts about Mickey mouse

6 little-known facts about Mickey mouse

Today is the birthday of one of the most popular heroes of cartoons for children — Mickey mouse. 18 November 1928, it was «Steamboat Willie», where we met with our hero. It was the world’s first cartoon with synchronized sound, and the squeak of Mickey really was the voice of Walt Disney.

A few little-known facts about the birthday boy:

6 little-known facts about Mickey mouse

  • Originally he was a rabbit. Before Walt Disney created Mickey mouse, he came up with the Lucky rabbit Oswald. But due to disagreements with business partner, Universal, Disney lost the rights to Oswald. The loss of the first character inspired Walt to create Mickey.
  • He is married to Minnie. The cartoons never had their wedding: after all, as decided by Disney in the Studio, and so they have been married. Mickey and Minnie debuted together on the big screen in 1928 in «Steamboat Willie». And every 18 November, they celebrate their birthday together.
  • He was silent 8 film, and then said, «Hot dogs!». Obviously Mickey is a huge fan of hot dogs. He decided to announce it to the world in 1929, in his ninth film «the Karnival Kid», and even staged a «dancing hot dogs». Of course, before Mickey mouse laughed and squeaked, but did not speak.

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  • His magic turn your kids into stars. Remember, what launched the career of Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake? Of course, the magic Mickey helped them to succeed. It all started with the «Mickey mouse Club», which starred future stars.
  • He wears white gloves, not for beauty. White gloves Mickey first appeared in the cartoon «the Opry House» in 1929, to distinguish the hands from the rest of the body.
  • He has frequently appeared among the candidates for the election. Unfortunately, votes for Mickey mouse to end up in the bin. But voters can dream, right?

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