Meet Santa Claus at Macy’s for the first time will need to be reserved

Meet Santa Claus at Macy’s for the first time will need to be reserved

Santa Claus will appear in new York in the coming weeks. However, wanting to give him his Christmas wish personally is waiting for an unpleasant surprise meeting with Santa you’ll have to reserve in advance, for the first time in history.

Starting Monday everyone will be able to sit on Santa’s lap and talk to him in the flagship store of Macy’s. At this meeting will need to reserve and confirm online for 5 days prior to the event. To communicate with Santa is allocated 30 minutes. The meeting itself is still free to Santaland Herald Square. But to make a professional photo with the old man will cost you $ 20,99.

In Macy’s claim that the new procedure of appointment with Santa is designed to reduce the waiting time in the queue in the busiest holidays. The store reported that the reservation may be cancelled at any time, also there is a service change in the time of the meeting.
