A survey Every fifth American will to talk about politics over dinner at thanksgiving

A survey Every fifth American will to talk about politics over dinner at thanksgiving

The debate about whether to talk politics at thanksgiving or not is about as old as the holiday itself. Traditionally on this day at the table to discuss the past year, joy and achievements, successes and plans, but the presidency of Donald trump, some changed approaches to festive conversation.

Recent Center the Associated Press-NORC poll shows American attitudes toward the policy debate at a dinner party. 2 of 10 U.S. residents said they wanted to talk about politics at the table at the time, as 4 out of 10 said that a neutral attitude to such conversations.

A survey Every fifth American will to talk about politics over dinner at thanksgiving

Democrats and their supporters are slightly more likely than Republicans to discuss policy in holiday – 39% against 33%. If we talk about gender division, women tend to avoid talking about politics than men – 41% versus 31%.

Those who intend to talk about politics on a holiday, mainly optimistic about these issues. Overall, 30% of Americans said that they are ready to talk about politics over dinner, and 34% will avoid this, fearing for the inconvenience or the divisions.

The survey the AP-NORC covered 1070 adult Americans. The error of the result is 4.2%.
