Holocaust survivor donates $1 million to the us military in memory of those who saved him

Holocaust survivor donates $1 million to the us military in memory of those who saved him

83-year-old Bernard darty is one of those Jews who managed to survive the Holocaust. Darti was hiding from the Nazis on the outskirts of Paris during the occupation of France, which was liberated after the allied landings in Normandy.

Now darti decided to donate a million dollars to organizations that support wounded American military – in memory of those who more than seventy years ago saved his life.

Holocaust survivor donates $1 million to the us military in memory of those who saved him

As he told Bernard darty Fox News, his parents at the beginning of world war II fled to France from the Jewish pogroms in Poland, but with the beginning of the German occupation the family, like other Jews, is again in danger.

16 July 1942, French police carried out searches in Paris, after which more than 13 thousand Jews were deported to Nazi death camps.
«The police came to our apartment at 6 am, but before that my parents took me to my aunt’s house. She was married to a French soldier,» says Bernard.

Mother, father and brother, 7-year-old Bernard tried to escape, but the woman was detained and sent to Auschwitz, where she died. In the next two years Bernard darty in hiding on the outskirts of Paris, by the way, and his future wife.

«I feel like I remember the arrival of thousands of American soldiers who landed in Normandy. They were our saviors – saviors-including war-weary children, who had almost lost hope for freedom.»

According to darty, his fate has developed successfully. Finding her surviving relatives and as an adult, a man opened a family business selling household appliances. And in the early 1990s, he and his wife bought a house in Florida.

«This fall, I watched the news about the hurricanes, floods and terrible fires, which have killed and people suffered. And then I realized that I still have an important task that I must do in life. I have not returned the debt to the American soldiers, who once saved me.»

So Bernard darty and decided to donate one million dollars to the descendants of those who liberated France in 1944.

«I sincerely want to thank the Americans who came when we needed help,» he says. «And I hope that my donation will encourage others to act. My story shows it’s never too late to thank those who made you something really important. If it’s not too late for 83-year-old me, it’s not too late for you.»
