Niece Joe Biden appeared in court for fraud

Niece Joe Biden appeared in court for fraud

The niece of the former Vice-President USA Joe Biden was dishonest. On Friday Caroline Biden appeared before the court for theft in the large size.

29-year-old relative of the ex-official had borrowed someone else’s credit card, asking the owner to remove her $672. Instead, the defendant emptied a foreign Bank account of $110 thousand — the entire amount she spent on the products of the new York pharmaceutical company, C. O. Bigelow, which sells cosmetics.

Despite the scale of the theft, the daughter of the brother Biden got off with probation and 10 days of community service — the Supreme court Manhatta appointed her a milder penalty under the condition that she return the money to their owner and over the next year will not break the law.

The last condition can be quite hard for Caroline, because she had had problems with the police.

4 years ago Biden was arrested for a fight with a roommate and assaulting police officers during the arrest, but in that time she got a break, because the moment was incidentate a course of anger management and rehabilitation for drug addiction.
