A police officer has donated part of his liver to 4-month-old baby to a stranger

A police officer has donated part of his liver to 4-month-old baby to a stranger

The task of the police is to save lives.
That is what made Stephen tenney, a police Lieutenant from new Hampshire, who donated part of his liver to 4-month-old strange girl from Massachusetts.

«Honestly, I’m confused,» wrote tenney blog Boston Children’s the hospital’s Pediatric. «I don’t consider myself a hero, but did what have to do.»

A police officer has donated part of his liver to 4-month-old baby to a stranger

However, the parents of the little Sloane St James, Sarah and Chris, believe otherwise.

They noticed that with the girl something is wrong when our baby turned four months. She did not pass the jaundice, and the tummy started to grow.

The doctors put a disappointing diagnosis: biliary atresia, a rare congenital disease of the liver and biliary tract. The child’s condition deteriorated rapidly, doctors say that a transplant is required within one to two weeks.

But Sarah and Chris, which was not suitable for donation, even could not think that they have to wait less than a week.

Stephen tenney, according to him, learned the story of Sloan through his brother on Facebook. «If you can help 4-month-old child how to do?» the policeman said Boston 25 News. He was a suitable donor and the operation was successful.

«Stephen is our hero. He recalled that in the world there are amazing, selfless people,» said Sara St James. «Sloan means «warrior». We didn’t think daughter will have to be a warrior at such a young age, but she proved to us that she is a fighter».
