Residents of nine States three years will be able to travel to the US without passports

Residents of nine States three years will be able to travel to the US without passports

The transportation security administration (TSA) clarified the rules by which U.S. citizens can travel within the country. It focused on nine States: Kentucky, Maine, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina and Washington state.

The authorities of these Federal facilities do not issue documents that are at least minimally consistent with the Real ID act of 2005, which security measures after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. However, until recently, travel around the country with only a driver’s license did not cause difficulties for the residents of nine of the above States.

TSA decided that it was time to bring everything to a common denominator. Under the new requirements you need the following:

  • social security number should be documented;
  • must have a copy of the application on the right in a digital format;
  • new rights have to have a new security system.

The original deadline to bring the documents to the unified Federal sample was 10 October, 217. But state governments have complained that it will take considerable cost and time. Then the transportation security Administration has made concessions and extended the deadline to 22 January next year. However, three months of which were allocated by the TSA for such a complex work are insufficient. The process is not accelerated. The time is still too little. Besides worried tour operators. For them, the confusion with the documents at airports will lead to more problems and loss of income.

Data about another shift of time on the official TSA website still has not appeared. But it has become known that the transfer to a later date still going to happen. This date will be October 1, 2020. By that time, all driver’s license in all States should be standardized in accordance with Federal safety standards.

So, if you are a resident of these States, three years you don’t have to worry about the documents at the airport.
