Scientists say they managed to discover a new human organ

It would seem that the doctors know so much about our bodies, it is unlikely that such a significant discovery could stay out of their sight for hundreds of years. However, the employee of the research center of Weill Cornell Medicine Dr. David Carr-Locka, and his colleague, Professor Department of pathology NYU Langone Health nail Taze believe otherwise.

Thanks to the latest method of confocal laser endoscopy, scientists were able to examine the tissue of the human body without damaging their structure. It was found that organs such as the liver, spleen, kidneys and other surrounded by a specific connective tissue called the interstitium. Because of its structure, this fabric performs the role of «airbag» for most of human organs.

Scientists say they managed to discover a new human organInterstitium is a loose connective tissue, creating a complex porous network. Photo: Mount Sinai Health System

To detect this element in our body has not previously been possible because the examination of human entrails, the fabric typically damaged when attempting to penetrate into the body. Only when scientists were able to obtain full three-dimensional picture of tissue, they saw the complexity of the «new» element.

Interstitium is a loose connective tissue, creating a complex porous network that surrounds the organs and fluid-filled. Further tests showed that the interstitium of the universally distributed in our body. It can be found under the upper layers of the bladder, skin, intestinal tract and many other places of the human body.

Carr-Locka and nail Taze sure — a number of features of this fabric indicates that it acts as a single body, the main function of which is protection of other organs. According to estimates of scientists, in the interstices going up to 20% of all the liquid in our body. Unfortunately, features of its structure can also carry danger, since this fabric is ideal for the proliferation of tumor cells.

At the same time, if the findings of scientists are confirmed, the discovery could significantly affect all of modern medicine and help in the fight against a number of diseases.

