What if the coronavirus destroys stocks of toilet paper

At the outbreak of the coronavirus Americans consume stocks of toilet paper. But what can be the alternative?

Newspapers and wet wipes are not intended for them to wash, but, according to Metro UK, in many parts of the world, the preferred method is to use plain water.

Although it is not common in the U.S., bidets are a standard fixture for hygiene. Alternatively, you can use pots or jugs.

the toilet and bidet. Source: Wikimedia

And in case you are not satisfied, there is always the possibility to use toilet paper reusable, which is known under the name of «family clothing» writes Kelly Corbett in House Beautiful.

Conventional roll consists of 20 squares of tissue consisting of two layers of cotton or flannel that you can repeatedly wash and use.

«Sometimes family clothing even comes with a decorative pattern to help you escape from the fact that this fabric potentially touches the rear part of many people,» says Corbett.
