4-year-old child was killed by a gun he found in his house

4-year-old child was killed by a gun he found in his house

Sunday, July 30, a four year old Ashton Gooding found at home firearms, which, presumably, shot himself. It happened around 17:45 local time in the city of Tampa, state of Florida.

Arrived on the scene, the police found that the boy was seriously injured. He was taken to the hospital but he soon died from his injuries.

Now law enforcement officials are investigating and trying to determine whether the incident is accidental.

Information about who owns the gun and where it was stored, remains unknown. However, Tampa PD has promised that soon will provide additional details of the incident.

According to local residents, family Gudimov lives their home at 1020 E. Hannah Avenue is already about a year. They are not in a relationship with anyone of the neighbors.

A month later, Ashton was about to turn five years old.
