A child who lost a month of both parents, got 6 thousand rainbows from around the world

A child who lost a month of both parents, got 6 thousand rainbows from around the world

A resident of the state of new York, nine-year-old Robbie Akter, who was diagnosed with autismin may of this year lost mother. She died of severe diseases such as cystic fibrosis.

To help the child cope with the loss, Robbie’s dad told him that mother «left on the rainbow bridge». The thing is, the day of his mother’s death over the school, Robbie was a big double rainbowand one of the family members took a picture of it and gave it to the boy. That is why the rainbow has become to mean so much to Robbie, reports InsideEdition.

A child who lost a month of both parents, got 6 thousand rainbows from around the world

And after 22 days the child lost his father, too. The boy began to live with his guardian — aunt crystal Skawinski.

On the day crystal decided to ask their friends on Facebook to send a few photos of the rainbows for Robbie.
The recording quickly spread in the network. In the end, krystal and Robbie in the five days I have received 6 thousand photos of rainbows from around the world.

«I have no words. SIS, thank you so much for the son who touched the hearts of thousands of people. We really miss you guys,» wrote crystal.

According to her, Robbie’s rainbow — a way to explain to myself what happened. «And when he wants to talk about it, we’re talking about rainbows».
