Social projects suffer from rising real estate prices

Social projects suffer from rising real estate prices

The total cost of services for the enterprises and organizations located in San Francisco, has been growing steadily. But if the business more or less successfully overcomes the price increase, non-profit organizations that depend on grants and donations, have to look at all available reserves to remain in the same offices, where they remained for a long time.

«We have to hold meetings in cafes or in the former Alecsandri theatre on 18th Avenue,» says Cindy Tong, Director of development and communications at Community Youth Centre. The history of this organization has 47 years and the last time the staff spent several months searching for suitable office for the reception and resettlement of hundreds of adolescents from low-income segments of the population.

However, Community Youth Centre fortune smiled: the municipality has allocated a grant in the amount of 700 thousand dollars for their activities. In total the municipality has been allocated 2.7 million dollars 13 non-profit organizations, enabling them to purchase or rent the necessary real estate in the rapid growth of real estate prices.

«The role of nonprofit organizations in our city was especially evident during the «Summer of love». Exactly half a century ago, when originated the hippie movement, our city has established itself as a welcoming place, tolerant to different cultures,» said ed Lee, mayor of San Francisco.

It is important to understand that one of the tasks of municipal governments – to support non-profit organizations which help the city to solve the social problems. At the moment the municipality is seeking additional financing, which it intends to spend on the development of the nonprofit sector.
