In the northeast and Midwest, at last, will become warmer

In the northeast and Midwest, at last, will become warmer

Snow storm on the East coast of the United States, is retreating. However, to rejoice in the inhabitants is still too early to replace the snow comes bitter cold.

The storm that raged on Thursday, caused flooding and record levels of high tide in Boston. Most snow in the northeast fell to Maine – up to 18.3 inches. In new York , there have been about 10 inches in Central Park, at the airport of Boston – up to 13 inches.

In the northeast and Midwest, at last, will become warmer

As reported by weather forecasters, ABC News, the strongest wind gusts were observed on the island of Nantucket, state Massachusetts – up to 76 miles per hour. In Rod island winds reached 71 mph.

Now that the storm was gone, followed by moving the Arctic air mass. On Friday and Saturday in the North-Eastern States and is expected to -10 degrees Celsius. In the Chicago – to – 20 Minnesota – 21, but in Saranac Lake, new York – to-40.

For those who are already tired of the cold weather, there is good news. Starting next week, in most areas of the Midwest and northeast will be zero temperature – a real January thaw.

According to the Center for climate prediction National oceanic and atmospheric administration, from 13 to 26 JanuaryI in most parts of the country will be the normal temperature for this time of year, without «excesses».

In the northeast and Midwest, at last, will become warmerSource: Shutterstock
