In North Carolina the alligators are frozen into the ice (video)

In North Carolina alligators survive cold, versnum in the ice and hanging out over its surface, only nose.

«Marzenie» occurred this week in the Shallotte River Swamp Park, told the Park Manager George Howard, who published the video.

«All of our alligators here. Eighteen American alligators,» said the man.

According to him, the wetlands Park is 65 acres, and they all froze in the beginning of the week.

Last year in North Carolina occurred in exactly the same situation. Alligators were in the water, motionless, until the water froze around their noses. 2018 year was the first year when something similar happened in the Park.

Experts say that this adaptation to harsh conditions refutes the old view that alligators are unable to migrate North due to low temperatures.

According to George Howard, the gators feel like when the water is «freezing point», and I poke my nose above the surface «at the right moment.»

After that, the gators go into a kind of hibernation until the water begins to melt. Last year all the animals safely survived the «marzenie».

Also, alligators don’t respond when they are concerned in a frozen state. According to Howard, this is due to the fact that they are trying to save energy.

Experts in the wild in North Carolina say: it is unlikely that alligators will migrate further West in the state, because in this region there are no waterways, necessary for breeding and cultivating «young».

However, in regions far to the West of Charlotte, continue to appear reports of alligators. Experts believe that these gators were Pets released into the wild when they became too large.
