Next week in isolation you can admire the «Pink Supermoon»

When people around the world are in isolation, the need for accessible entertainment has never been so strong.

Fortunately, next week — if you have a window/garden/balcony, you can spend time watching the beauty of the «Pink Supermoon».

But don’t let the name fool you because the moon is pink (sorry to disappoint). The name in the United States was chosen in honor of North American field flower called «Phlox Subulata».

Explaining what SUPERLINE, an astronomer at the Royal Observatory of great Britain Tanya de sales Marques said that the thing in perigee — the point in the orbit of the moon when it closest to Earth.

«What is commonly called a supermoon, happens when the moon approaches closer to us and are either in the phase of full moon or new moon phase,» said the astronomer.

The best time to enjoy the spectacle, will be on 7 April at 22.35 PM est.

«Full moon at perigee is only 7% bigger than normal full moon, so the difference in size is not noticeable, however the moon looks brighter than usual. It is best to wait until sunset and darkness of the sky. And if you think about how to photograph this beauty, keep in mind that you will need the appropriate equipment, in particular, a camera with a long lens, as depicted on the phone, the moon will be more like a drop», — said the astronomer.
