Tropical storm Harvey covers Louisiana

Tropical storm Harvey covers Louisiana

Harvey has brought a lot of grief to residents of Texas have already become «famous» throughout the world as the most powerful hurricane in the United States over the past decade. However, the devastating consequences of the natural disaster is unlikely to be limited — the storm’s moving East. The next zone South-West Louisiana.

The National weather service warned about excessive rainfall, which with high probability will fall on the state already in the night from Monday to Tuesday.

Tropical storm Harvey covers Louisiana

Moderate to High Risk of excessive rainfall across south Louisiana late tonight & into Tuesday #LAwx #MSwx

— NWS New Orleans (@NWSNewOrleans) December 29, 2017

Under forecasts of weather forecasters, heavy rains can cause flooding of catastrophic proportions. In the South-Western part of the state will fall to 250-500 mm rainfall, while the Central and coastal zones 125-250 mm. heavy rains and flash floods are also expected in some regions of Mississippi and Alabama.

Latest Key Messages for Tropical Storm #Harvey as of 10 pm CDT.

— NHC Atlantic Ops (@NHC_Atlantic) August 29, 2017

Particularly at risk — New Orleans: 100 — 200 mm of rain that falls here in the next two days, will create a dangerous condition because the city is well below sea level, but its outdated drainage system not able to cope with the workload.

In preparation for the storm, authorities canceled classes in schools, introduced a forced output in state institutions and given to citizens of 35 800 sandbags.

New Orleans mayor Mitch Landreu recommended local residents Tuesday to stay home and not get behind the wheel.

We know what our family & friends in the #HarveyFlood in Texas are going through better than anybody. Our thoughts and prayers are with them

— Mitch Landrieu (@MayorLandrieu) August 28, 2017

Due to risk of flash flooding, @_OPSB @RSD_LA has advised that all schools will be closed Tuesday (8/29) #nola #nolaed #harvey

— OrleansParishSchBrd (@_OPSB) August 28, 2017

In the memory of the residents of New Orleans are still fresh of the events of 12 years ago, when the city was struck by hurricane Katrina. Then the water covered 80% of the settlement, killed 1,836 people and caused economic losses estimated at $125 billion.

Note that the current storm Harvey, which on reaching the mainland was classified as a hurricane, the 4th category became the first Wake-up call in the context of the forecasts of meteorologists. Two weeks prior to it, they warned that this year the United States may suffer from 2-5 storms.



