The legend of Bigfoot: from the beast to rare bears

The legend of Bigfoot: from the beast to rare bears

Finally came the moment when scientists were able to answer the question of whether Bigfoot really is.

Years enthusiasts and dreamers tried to find mountains of evidence for the existence of the Yeti, which tell residents of Nepal and Tibet. According to the folklore of the peoples living in the mountains, the Yeti is a tall humanoid figure, covered with shaggy fur. However, science has proven that this creature is just a myth.

The legend of Bigfoot: from the beast to rare bears

According to the materials of the study published in the journal Royal Society journal Proceedings B. for Yeti people for centuries have taken various bears: Himalayan, Tibetan Tien Shan brown or brown. This conclusion was made by researchers after analyzing the DNAobtained from samples stored in museums and private collections that are supposedly proving the existence of Bigfoot (read: hair, teeth, hair and feces).

In search of the truth a team of scientists led by Charlotte Lindqvist has gathered 24 of the sample of biological material, which allegedly belonged to a Yeti. However, instead of proving the reality of Bigfoot, they helped scientists to delve into the history of the evolution of the mountain bears, which in turn allowed to create a new family tree vulnerable sub-species of Asian bears, which can be useful in the work on the protection of animals.

For example, researchers are now able to assume that Tibetan brown bears are closely associated with brown bears from Europe and North America, and the endangered Himalayan black bears are the descendants of the more ancient line, which split from the common branch 650,000 years ago during the ice age.

But, despite all of their findings, scientists say that even the facts will not help to destroy the myth about the existence of Bigfoot. Until then, long live these legends and eyewitnesses continue to see bears where they least expect to see them, Bigfoot will live.
