Sobchak called prayer Breakfast with trump useless

Sobchak called prayer Breakfast with trump useless

The candidate in presidents of the Russian Federation and journalist Ksenia Sobchak took less than half an hour of his time to prayer Breakfast with the participation of the President of the United States Donald Trump. And, as was later admitted, the event is not impressed.

Press Secretary Sobchak Xenia Chudinova previously confirmed the invitation of the candidate for Breakfast, but stressed that due to the tight schedule of Streets may not be enough time to attend the event.

Sobchak called prayer Breakfast with trump useless

As journalists AIR FORCE Sobchak managed to allocate about half an hour to the event. But after this visit, the politician admitted that the event struck her as «completely useless and meaningless.»

One of the advantages Sobchak called the formation a great platform for communication of many politicians, but stressed that because of the constant «meaningless speech» communication is possible is reduced to nothing.

According to Sobchak, a visit to Georgetown University, where the question was raised about economic reform, it impressed a lot more.

The candidate is not reported whether the place of her conversation with the President of the United States Donald Trump (which opened a Breakfast speech) or someone from senior us officials at the event.
