Notre Dame is still under threat of destruction: there is only a 50 percent chance of saving the Cathedral

The rector of the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris recognised that there is still only a 50 percent chance of salvation is destroyed by fire, symbol of the French capital.

Monsignor Patrick Chauvet said he was already suffering from «heartache» because this year, for the first time in 200 years, the medieval Cathedral and the «heart of Paris» will not work Christmas service.

Monsieur Chauvet added that preparing for an even greater potential disaster after the reference stage of the Church will be removed — probably in 2021. Then the authorities will know if there is enough strong surviving arches of the structure, to save Gothic monument.

«He’s not safe,’ said Chauvet, speaking on Christmas eve before midnight mass in a nearby Church. — Today we can say that maybe 50% chance he will be saved. Also there is a 50 percent probability of falling forests. As you can see, the building is still very fragile.»

Notre Dame is still under threat of destruction: there is only a 50 percent chance of saving the CathedralPhoto: Flickr

855-year-old monument was under renovation when, in April of this year, a major fire destroyed the roof and brought down the spire.

Removal of falsework will be the final test for the rescue attempts of Notre Dame. Although the actual recovery may begin in 2021, will likely take another three years after that to make sure that the Church is safe enough, and full recovery will take more time.

In addition, the Cathedral still needs to be cleared of tons of toxic lead dust, and then assess health risks.

The President of France Emmanuel macron has said he wants the Council was «even more beautiful» by 2024, when Paris will host the Olympics, but this term, according to many experts, is unrealistic.

Parisians believe that the Cathedral will stand.

«We are French and we will try to restore Notre Dame to the way it was,» said Jean-Luc Baud, a Parisian engineer who cried when I first saw footage of the fire in April.
