Queen Elizabeth II made a historic televised address, comparing the present time with the Second world war

On Sunday Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II made a historic televised address, reminding about the strong spirit of the country in the fight against the pandemic coronavirus.

«I talk to you at a time that is becoming more complex, said 93-year-old Queen. – The grief of the families, financial hardships for many and a huge change in everyday life for all of us.»

Queen compared this treatment with the fact that she, as the Princess did in 1940, comforting families at the beginning of the Second world war.

«We talked here in Windsor, with children who have been evacuated from their homes for their own safety. Today, many feel a painful sense of separation from their loved ones. But now, as then, deep down we know that it is right. I hope that in the future everyone can be proud of how we responded to this challenge. And those who come after us will say that the British of this generation were just as strong as everyone else.»

The Queen added that the UK is not alone in their struggle.

«This time we join forces with Nations around the world, using the great achievements of science. We will succeed — and that success will belong to each of us. The best days are coming back: we’ll be back with our friends, we’ll be back with our families; we’ll meet again.»

Elizabeth II also thanked the health workers and all those who remain at home, thereby helping to protect the more vulnerable.

The address was recorded at Windsor castle, where the Queen stayed with her husband, 98-year-old Prince Philip.

One operator in riot gear were allowed to shoot the rest of the team was in the next room.

The son of the Queen, the British Prince Charles had previously been exposed to coronavirus. The Queen appealed to the nation (not counting the Christmas letter) for 8 years, since 2012, when she celebrated the 60th anniversary of his accession to the throne. In 2002, she thanked the British for their condolences on the death of the Queen mother.

She also appealed to the nation at the beginning of the Gulf war in 1991 and after the death of Princess Diana in 1997.
