The coronavirus may be spread through the bodies of patients who died from the disease

According to reports, the Thai forensic scientist, who died from COVID-19, was the first person who contracted the coronavirus from a cadaver.

In a letter published March 20 in the Journal of forensic and legal medicine, was explained in detail about the first two cases COVID-19 among health care workers. They turned out to be a forensic scientist from Bangkok and a registered nurse, reports Fox News.

There Trevigiani from Bangkok medical center, RVT, and by Hanging Wiwanitkit of the University. D. I. Patil wrote that most cases of coronavirus have been brought by patients from abroad, at the time, as the spread among the local population was limited. The letter also noted that providers «might have come in contact with biological specimens and corpses.»

«As far as we know, this is the first report of infection and death from COVID-19 among medical staff in the Department of forensic medicine.» — the letter said.

Details about the name and age of the medical examiner and Junior nurses was not reported. The authors added that the number of infected corpses is unknown, because the practice in the study of coronavirus does not apply.

«However, infection control and universal precautions are essential. The trial professionals should wear protective equipment, including protective clothing, gloves, goggles, hat and mask. The disinfection procedure used in the operating room, can be used in the departments of pathology / forensic examination.»

The world health organization (who) said earlier that there is no evidence of infecting the healthy humans from the bodies of patients who died from COVID-19. However, who officials added that if the person died during the infectious period of the coronavirus that live virus could still remain in his lungs and other organs. It is noted that the forensic scientists who work with dead bodies from COVID-19, should be as protected.

As of Tuesday morning in Thailand was more than 2613 cases COVID-19 and at least 40 deaths from disease.
