A trained monkey on a motorcycle tried to kidnap a little girl (video)

People were amazed by a video in which a monkey while riding a motorcycle, tried to abduct a child, gripping the girl’s dress and having dragged behind itself on the street in Indonesia.

A crazy incident happened on Saturday in Surabaya, a province of Indonesia East Java and implies a traditional form of entertainment known as street performers with trained monkeys (a variety of street performances of the trained animals, who perform in front of people or those other circus tricks), according to the news edition of Indonesia Expat.

The Primate, accompanied by traditional Indonesian music gamelan, driving a small vehicle on a Gang Mawar, a narrow residential street before it stops wooden bench, where sits a woman with a baby and 2 kids a little older.

The monkey jumps off the scooter and starts to pull a little girl in a diaper and a yellow dress, dragging it a few feet while passers-by yell at her.

First, the monkey was able to just drop the girl from the bench, and she fell to the ground. Then on again, grabbed the child and began to pull it on. What I tried to do the monkey, and unclear, because it is quickly distilled off from the child.

When the monkey stops his attack, as seen in the video, the girl gets up and runs back to his mother. During the incident, the victim escaped with a fright and bruises on his forehead.

Supani the jazz, who shot the video, told the news publication Storyful that the incident took place at a time when people gathered to see a show with trained monkey.

It is worth noting that residents of Indonesia condemned the owner of a monkey that beat up the pet after the incident, saying that it is wrong that animals are used for entertainment.
