Florida resident’s cat found a rare two-headed snake and brought it into the house

Florida resident's cat found a rare two-headed snake and brought it into the house

What a cat will sometimes not bring into the house — although it is unlikely to compare with a rare two-headed snake that was discovered by a pet from a Florida resident.

Kay Rogers said that at first she thought the snake was injured. It was only when the woman's daughter raised the reptile for a closer look that it became clear that she had two heads.

«I was amazed. — recalls Kay, since then handed the snake into the reliable hands of experts — I've never seen anything like it.

On Wednesday, the FWC Fish and Wildlife Research Institute published photographs of the reptile and explained the reasons for its condition.

“This is a rare occurrence called bicephaly. It occurs during embryonic development, when two monozygous twins cannot separate, causing the heads to merge into one body, ”writes FWC.

«Two-headed snakes rarely survive in the wild because they have two brains that make different decisions and thus make it difficult to feed or escape from predators.»

The Rogers are glad that the snake, named Dos, is now with those who can take care of it.

“We are happy that we found him and made him a small part of our family. — says Kay — [At the institute] they take great care of him and we are glad that he is doing well. «
