Dikonfigurasi: why the United States began to demolish monuments

August 31, 2017

Dikonfigurasi – so, by analogy with the well-known post-Soviet space and de-communization began to call the process that began in the United States in 2015, but increased this summer after clashes in Charlottesville. Dikonfigurasi is the demolition of monuments dedicated to the Confederacy (the States that participated in the Civil war 1861-1865 on the side of the South), as well as the renaming of streets named after generals and politicians…


Child marriage in the United States — the issue of state law

August 31, 2017

Child marriage is a big problem not only for poor countries, where the situation of children and women in society remains very poor. Statistics and studies showthat this problem is widespread and in the United States. According to the state marriage license, research groups and experts, between 2000 and 2015, the marriage took more than 200,000 children, almost all of them girls. And in almost all cases the husband was…


Cyclone Irma is already growing into a hurricane

August 31, 2017

Once the intensity of a tropical cyclone increases — within a few days of the storm Irma, who on Wednesday emerged in the Eastern Atlantic may develop into a hurricane. The National center for atmospheric and oceanic studies report that in this point the element does not represent a threat to the United States: she storms in the Atlantic ocean, the Islands of Cape Verde near Africa, moving towards South…


Hurricane Harvey will be the most expensive disaster in U.S. history

August 31, 2017

Forecasters say hurricane Harvey, the echoes of which still rage in Texas, while the main power is moving to Louisiana on Wednesday, will be the most expensive natural disaster in U.S. history. The impact of the hurricane on the economy at the time of its completion will be close to 160 billion dollars, which is comparable with the amount of damage inflicted by hurricanes Katrina and sandy. This was announced…