Protesters block entrance to Burning Man festival. What’s the reason?

June 28, 2024

Yesterday, August 27, Perhaps the most famous festival in the United States, Burning Man 2023, started in the Black Rock desert in Nevada. Its opening was overshadowed not only by Hurricane Hilary that swept through the day before, flooding the location, but also by the protest of participants in the 7 seven circles movement. Read today in USA.ONE: Climate activists tried to disrupt Burning Man What caused this action? Burning…


An 18-year-old student shot and killed more than 20 people at a Texas school.

June 26, 2024

Yesterday, May 24, There was a shooting in south Texas. An 18-year-old senior at Robb Elementary School in Uvald opened fire on children, killing 19 of them. Two more victims are adults. Read today in USA.ONE: Texas school shooting Total death toll rises to 21. Teen killed dozens of people and was shot dead at the scene photo: On Tuesday morning, at 11:32 local time, gunfire rang out at…


18-year-old kills 10 people in Buffalo supermarket attack

June 16, 2024

On Saturday, On May 14, a Tops supermarket in Buffalo, New York was raided by a gunman. 18-year-old Payton Gendron drove up to the store in his car and immediately opened fire with a semi-automatic rifle. He broadcast his actions live on the Twitch streaming service. Read today in USA.ONE: Teenager shoots 10 people dead and wounds three others The vast majority of the victims were black. An 18-year-old boy…


US passenger lands plane after pilot loses consciousness

June 14, 2024

An unprecedented incident occurred in the United States on Tuesday, May 10. With the help of a dispatcher, a passenger with no flying experience was able to land a Cessna 208 at a Florida airport after the pilot lost consciousness. Read today in USA.ONE magazine: A passenger made a successful landing without piloting experience He contacted air traffic controllers after the pilot became ill and «passed out». In Florida, a…


An unknown person opened fire in the Brooklyn subway: 10 wounded and 13 injured

May 28, 2024

Yesterday, 12 April, at about 8:24 a.m., an unknown person opened fire on a train arriving at the subway station at the intersection of 36th Street and 4th Avenue in Brooklyn. The criminal threw two smoke bombs and fired 33 bullets. Fortunately, no one died. Read today in USA.ONE magazine: A man started shooting in the New York subway The police are currently looking for him. Dozens of people were…


Illegal party for minors ends in double murder

May 28, 2024

Early in the morning, April 17, in a house rented through Airbnb, 50 shots were fired. At that moment there were about 200 people there who had gathered for a party. As a result, two teenagers were killed and at least 8 more were injured. Read today in USA.ONE: Shooting in Pittsburgh: party ends in murder What is known about the incident? Illegal party in Pennsylvania turned into tragedy photo:…


See the Titanic and die. The sad fate of the submersible with billionaires on board

April 24, 2024

Almost already For a week, the whole world has been watching with bated breath the fate of the bathyscaphe «Titan», which went to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean to the sunken «Titanic». There were 5 passengers on board and today, June 23, it became known that all of them died. Read further in the USA.ONE magazine: The tragic story of the bathyscaphe "Titan" And also all about the search…


Flood in California: 20 dead, thousands evacuated and without power

April 18, 2024

December 25 on The United States of America was hit by a powerful ice storm that paralyzed airport operations. Many people who went to celebrate Christmas found themselves hostage to the elements. In just 12 hours, 20 cm of rain fell in California, leaving tens of thousands of homes and 100 thousand people without electricity. Since then, heavy rains, floods and landslides have not stopped. Read today in USA.ONE: Storm…


A 6-year-old child shot and killed his little sister in Indiana.

March 29, 2024

Tuesday, July 26, at A tragic incident occurred in eastern Indiana. A 6-year-old boy shot and killed his 5-year-old sister in their home in Muncie, 60 miles northeast of Indianapolis. Police and emergency crews responded to South Monroe Street around 2:25 p.m. and found a child with a severe gunshot wound to the head. Read today in USA.ONE: 6-year-old boy fatally wounds younger sister Their parents have already been brought…