Why are there so many guns in the US and how does it affect people’s lives?

July 16, 2024

Texas is considered the "hottest" point in terms of the number of weapons per capita. The state has a simplified registration system, which means almost anyone can come in and buy a gun. There are believed to be 22 million firearms in Texas, although it is difficult to accurately estimate. Is it true that the United States is the most armed country in the world? And why is it not…


What is possible and what is not allowed in America? Strange laws of this country

June 11, 2024

America is a country , which is famous for its freedom and democracy. However, behind this political facade there are many laws and rules governing the behavior of citizens. Sometimes these laws can even be called funny and ridiculous.Are you buying a new car again? Be careful! In one US state it is prohibited to drive backwards on city streets. Sounds weird, right? But this is just one example of…


OnlyFans abandons plans to ban porn content after criticism

May 28, 2024

OnlyFans abandoned plans to ban pornographic content — less than a week after the UK content-making site announced the change, citing the need to comply with banking partner policies. On Wednesday the company said it had «provided the guarantees needed to support our diverse community authors,» implying that it has entered into new agreements with banks to pay OnlyFans content creators: including those who share sexually explicit material. «Thank you…


Court upholds death sentence for shooter who killed 9 people in Charleston church

May 28, 2024

A federal appeals court has upheld the death sentence of Dylann Roof: the white man convicted of the mass shooting of black members of the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina. Roof, 27, sought to appeal his conviction to the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which concluded that even the most «careful analysis of the law and precedents cannot convey the full horror of what Roof…


Seven Capitol Police Officers Sue Trump and Far-Right Groups

May 28, 2024

In Thursday, seven U.S. Capitol Police officers filed a lawsuit against former President Trump, Trump ally Roger Stone and members of right-wing extremist groups over their roles in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. The civil lawsuit alleges that Trump, acting together with groups such as the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, engaged in acts of domestic terrorism designed to illegally keep him in power despite losing the 2020 election. The…


Those vaccinated with the Sputnik V vaccine will be denied entry into the United States

May 28, 2024

Since November, the United States has been tightening the rules for foreigners entering the country citizens. In particular, people vaccinated with vaccines that are not approved by WHO or FDA will not be allowed into the United States. The Russian drug Sputnik V also belongs to them. Read today in the USA.ONE magazine: The United States will deny entry to foreigners vaccinated with "Sputnik V" Why is this happening and…


Texas court offers posthumous pardon for George Floyd killed by police

May 28, 2024

The story of the murder of African American George Floyd in American Minneapolis on May 25, 2020 caused a public outcry, which developed into riots throughout the country, reports profile.ru Mass protests, the Black Lives Matter movement against racism and police brutality, pogroms and clashes with law enforcement agencies swept across the country after police officer Derek Chauvin pressed Floyd's neck with his knee during an arrest for suspicion of…


12 strange laws still in force in the USA

May 28, 2024

1. Drinking on skis Laws, laws prohibiting drunk driving exist all over the world. They are absolutely correct, logical and do not cause any objections to anyone. In the US, in some states they also apply to vehicles such as bicycles, scooters and tractors. However, Wyoming has gone the furthest in this regard — here a special legal act prohibits skiing while drunk. Such a drunken outburst is considered a…


Glossary of US Legal Terms

May 16, 2024

Replacement — reduction of the sentence, starting from the death penalty to life imprisonment. Co-defendants — multiple people arrested and charged for the same criminal incident. Comparative negligence is a legal doctrine in New Mexico whereby the actions of opposing parties in a sensitive case are compared for determining the responsibility of each party, with each party being responsible only for its percentage of fault. See also contributory negligence. photo:…