LGBT ban as a path to the revival of fascism

July 19, 2024

A little official chronicle: the Supreme Court on Thursday, November 30 2023, having considered the administrative claim of the Ministry of Justice, recognized the “international social movement of LGBT” as an extremist organization and banned its activities in Russia. The court hearing was held behind closed doors, without listeners or media representatives. It was attended only by representatives of the Ministry of Justice, who came to the court hearing wearing…


Inside the American Education System: Everything You Need to Know

June 28, 2024

Before moving to America, many people ask themselves: how will I go with my children, how will they study there? It's time to find out how the American education system works. Have you ever wondered what makes it different from other educational systems in the world? In this article, we will go on a journey through the American education system, revealing all the information you need. The intricacies of the…


The problem of drug addiction and its solution in the USA: progress and challenges

June 28, 2024

In the United States of America, drug addiction is a problem that affects individuals, families and entire communities. But within this complex problem lies hope for transformation, redemption, and a path to a brighter future. Read today in USA.ONE magazine: How the States are fighting drug addiction What progress has been made and what challenges are they facing? The problem of drug addiction in the USA Drug addiction is one…


How do taxi drivers live and how much do they earn in America?

May 29, 2024

Have you ever thought about what is it like to be a taxi driver in America? How is their everyday life, what difficulties do they face? Today in USA.ONE we dive into the intriguing world of taxi drivers and present an interesting inside look at this industry. All about working as taxi drivers in the USA Imagine this scenario: a bustling city, neon lights illuminating the streets and a constant…


Countries voted the happiest in the world

May 29, 2024

For each state that is included in the ranking of the happiest, the criteria for determining this indicator will be different. For example, in the Russian Federation they are based primarily on economic indicators, while at the same time taking into account the degree of satisfaction of the population with the laws that have been adopted. At the moment, information on the happiness coefficient in the Russian Federation is not…


US cities that are the future

May 25, 2024

Until 2020, the leading American states were New York and California. The first became the center of development of the United States back in the 19th century, and the economy of the second is still the fifth largest in the world, overtaking France, Great Britain and Russia. By 2021, the population in California began to decline: people began to move away, and most of them settled in the south. Americans…


Corrugated cardboard boxes for pizza and cake

May 15, 2024

Boxes for confectionery and pizza are specialized packaging designed for convenient and safe transportation and storage of confectionery products such as cakes, pastries, cookies, chocolate and other sweets, as well as for pizza delivery. These boxes protect products from damage, keep them fresh and attractive, and provide ease of packing and unpacking. A large selection of custom-made corrugated products in any size is available on the website The production…


How profitable is it to do remote work in the USA?

May 10, 2024

How developed is freelancing in the USA? Remote work in the modern world is very popular, both in Russia and in other countries, in this article you will learn how well developed this way of earning money is in the USA. Facts about this and that — More than a third of telecommuters work from Europe. — By 2027, freelancers will make up 50.9% of the US workforce. — Freelancers…


Why do Americans move to Texas?

April 2, 2024

Recently, Texas has become a center of attraction for businessmen, entrepreneurs and ordinary citizens of America . Over the past 3 years, about 2 million people have moved to the state, most of them from California. What attracted them so much to the homeland of Westerns, cowboys, ranches and the tough character of the Wild West? Read today in USA.ONE magazine: Why Americans go to live in Texas This is…


Wine and chocolate will help you lose weight, say scientists

April 1, 2024

Having decided to get rid of extra pounds, many of us The first thing they do is decide to limit the amount of many of their favorite treats in their diet — including chocolate, cheeses and wine. But, as Professor Tim Spector reports, we don't have to deny ourselves these pleasures: on the contrary, they help to cultivate bacteria in our bodies that will help us stay slim. During his…