Death Valley has the highest temperature on Earth

September 8, 2020

A reading of 54.4 Celsius (130F) was taken at the Furnace Creek weather station in the global California National Park at 3:41 pm on Sunday — and nearly broke a record 100 years ago. However, this figure is disputed by meteorological experts, who claim that the readings were inaccurate. Many believe that true record temperatures of 129F were previously recorded in Death Valley on June 30, 2013, and Kuwait and…


«Inbound tourism» in Russia today «does not exist from the word at all»

September 8, 2020

In Russia, “inbound tourism” does not currently exist. Vice-President of ATOR Alexander Kurnosov told «Profile» about it. He emphasized that he spoke about both business and excursion, and sports travel to Russia of foreign tourists. Kuronosov stressed that “this also applies to such traditionally attractive cities as Moscow and St. Petersburg. Even if there are some entry permits, there is no particular hope of increasing the influx of foreign tourists,…